Page 60 - Pallet-Racking-and-Storage-Catalogue
P. 60

ESD Chrome Wire Shelving
        Best for  Workshop | up to 300kg UDL/shelf

                                                                                                                 Our ESD chrome wire shelving is available in the full
                                                                                                                 range of sizes and accessories.
                                                                                                                 7KH VLPSOH PHWDO FROODUV DQG PHWDO IRRW SODWH HQVXUHV WKDW
                                                                                                                 WKH ED\V DOORZ (6' DW DOO WLPHV  :H DOVR RIIHU EUDNHG DQG
                                                                                                                 XQ EUDNHG FDVWRUV LQFUHDVLQJ WKH ÁH[LELOLW\ RI WKLV VWRUDJH
                                                                                                                 solution. All components are available ex-stock and can be
                                                                                                                 delivered within 5 days.

                                                                                                                   ESD shelving solutions
                                                                                                                   Simple to build and adjust
                                                                                                                   ESD trolleys and castors

        CHROME WIRE (6' $17,67$7,&

                                                                                                                                                        £88.  55

                                                                                                               1590+     4+     ~300   ~1200     5
                          Example of an ESD Chrome Wire bay with accessories +Detail on the metal conductive collar  mm  Shelves  kg     kg     days

     60            Remember all Chrome Wire Shelving is in stock with guaranteed delivery in 5 days.
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